I’ve been MIA in my garden for several weeks now and I’m anxious to get back to my daily routines. I’ve loved being with my daughter at the North American Junior and Young Rider Championships (Junior Equine Olympics), but after 7 days, I’m ready to be home. Jessie has been to the NAJYRC three times, earning a Silver Team Junior medal, but, alas, no medals this year for the Region 3 Young Riders. She had good, solid rides and she is proud of herself and her dad and I am so incredibly proud of her. Now it is time to shift the focus to college…which is just around the corner.
And once I take her to Sewanee: The University of the South, I close a chapter in my life that I’ve loved sharing with her. We’ve trailered to more horse shows than I can remember, some close to home and others 16 hours away. We’ve been a good team. I focus on the horse and let Jessie do her thing. …ride. I love the rhythm of grooming, mucking out stalls, cleaning and filling water buckets, throwing grain or hay…I’m glad I was able to be a good partner to her and her horses.
So, now I’ll have lots of time to tend my gardens, the chickens and the pups. I’ll start this week with seeing what has survived neglect and harvest! I’m hopeful the garden has not become too overgrown with weeds…my least favorite task.
My to-do list is long…and I know it is going to take me some time to “catch up”, but I wouldn’t have traded this summer with Jessie at horse shows for anything.
I know, as I close this chapter and begin the next, that Jessie and my relationship will change. But, I’m pretty sure it will be more towards that of becoming my friend.