Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Melancholy Chickens

It’s silly, I know, but I’m sad.  Yesterday I returned three of my seven chickens to the person I bought them from because they are roosters.  (I can’t have roosters in the city limits.)  He promises me he found a good home for them where they won’t end up as dinner.  I hope so.

I went out to the coop this morning to check on the remaining four…and they seemed kind of…lost.  I guess we all (chickens and human) are feeling a little melancholy today missing our fellas.  My successes, to date, on the chicken-keeping front, include the fact that I haven’t inadvertently killed any of the chickens!  I consider this a big success!  I also take credit for asking questions and listening to the answers I received.  This is not something I do on a regular basis…I like to “forge ahead” and “figure it out”.  Actually asking and listening helped me to figure out how to get the chickens to go into the coop on their own each night, helped me to get the grain ratio of organic, custom feed I am giving them right and determine which of the chickens were actually roosters.    I also feel good about the rhythm I’ve gotten into with them as far as feeding/watering/cleaning the coop is concerned.  Now, I am just awaiting the arrival of the “First Egg”.  The chickens are about 16 weeks old, which means they will begin laying sometime in the next few weeks.  The first egg usually is laid when the chickens are between 15 and 19 weeks.  I can’t wait!  Really…I CAN’T!

I’m thinking of putting a roof over part of my chicken yard as the rains we have had have turned most of the pen into nothing but mud.  The chickens don't seem to care, but I do.  I laid wheat straw down on the ground this morning to stabilize it, absorb some of the water, and add mental stimulation for the chickens.  I would feel horrible if they were melancholy AND bored.   Late last week I added two perches for them to use…and I was thrilled to see them all sitting on them this morning.

Now I have to think about getting a few more hens…

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