Monday, November 2, 2009

Countdown to Chickens

Daddy arrived around lunchtime, so we made grilled turkey sandwiches and talked strategy.  Then we walked the space and made a plan for the chicken pen, making a list of all our building needs. Having someone to talk with about the enclosure made it so isn’t just an idea in my head anymore!  We then went to Home Depot and got all the supplies we needed to build both the chicken tractor and the chicken pen:  2” x 2” x 6’ wood, L brackets for stability, screws, hinges, locks…and when we returned home, immediately got started cutting the wood and putting the pieces together. 

We decided it made sense to build the “chicken tractor” first.  The tractor is a 6-foot-long by 3-foot-wide by 2-feet-high enclosure on wheels.  It is completely “caged” so the chickens will be safe from predators.  The idea is that the chickens can be in the tractor and moved around the yard eating bugs and weeds but not decimate any particular area.  We also decided to put a “roof” over part of the tractor to give the chickens shade if they need or want it.  Quitting time was about 5:20, since Daylight Savings Time means earlier darkness.  We were tired anyway, so it was good that darkness was descending upon us.   We weren’t “quitters”.   Daddy had driven 3 hours to get to me, so I know he was stiff from the drive and ready to have a nice, quiet evening and a good meal. 

The best part of the day was having the opportunity to partner with my dad on this project.  I felt like a little girl again when I believed he could and did do anything!  Today I was in awe as my dad made the ideas in my head come to life.  He really can build anything….and we did!  The chicken tractor is taking shape and tomorrow morning we’ll finish it and get started on the pen.  I’m counting the days until the girls finally arrive.

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